Lessons to Watch for Free Online

Lessons to Watch for Free Online

Most of the teachers are busy all the time and do not have enough time to observe and learn from other experienced teachers.

In the following link you will find some free online lessons to watch other teachers' lessons and learn from their strategies and experiences.

Jolly Phonics (Free Gift)

Jolly Phonics

Jolly Phonics is a fun and child centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. With actions for each of the 42 letter sounds, the multi-sensory method is very motivating for children and teachers, who can see their students achieve. The letter sounds are split into seven groups as shown below.

Download for Free



The Weather

The Weather 

Prepositions of Place with Pictures

Prepositions of Place with Pictures


Parts of Speech Project

Parts of Speech Project

  1. Draw a rainbow with six colored stripes.  Fill the top stripe with nouns that are usually red (ex: apple).  Fill the second stripe with nouns that name items that are usually orange (ex: tangerine).  Continue with the colors yellow, green, blue, and purple.  Add illustrations.

  1. A home for a rodent is a mouse house.  A slippery tree limb is a slick stick.  Think of at least four other rhyming adjectives/noun pairs and write descriptions for them like the examples above.  Illustrate them.

  1. Make a list down your paper of the letters of the alphabet.  Now write a verb that begins with each letter of the alphabet.  You should have 26 verbs when finished.
  2. Find at least ten synonyms for each of the following verbs: talk, walk, run, add.  Note: make sure you are finding synonyms for verbs—not some other part of speech.

  1. Slogans are catchy sayings companies use to help people remember products.  Many slogans begin with pronouns, such as we (to refer to the company), it (to refer to the product, or you (to refer to the customer).  Choose ten products or companies and write a clever slogan for each.  Do not use existing slogans.  Make up your own and begin the slogan with a pronoun.
  2. Write a pronoun poem.  It should be at least 10 lines long.  Each line should begin with a different pronoun.  Use objective, subjective, interrogative, and demonstrative pronouns (at least two of each).

  1. Find at least two adjectives for each of the following categories: Color, Size, Shape, Distance, Feelings or Qualities (do not use good, nice, or pretty), Quantity, Temperature, Time, Nationality or Origin, Material, Age, Purpose.  Label each category.
  2. Make a list down your paper of the letters of the alphabet.  Now write an adjective that describes yourself for each letter.  You should have 26 adjectives when finished.

  1. Make a list of ten actions a football/basketball/baseball (pick one) player might do.  Now, for each, list two adverbs that could explain how the athlete might have done each of those actions. Use your words to write ten sentences about the athlete you chose.

Example:         ran = action verb
                        forward, quickly = adverbs
                        The receiver ran forward quickly to catch the winning pass.
  1. Any action verb you use could have an adverb.  Write two sentences, each with a different action verb.  Then rewrite each sentence five times but use a different adverb each time to change the meaning of your sentence.  Underline the adverb in each sentence.
Example:         She got up energetically.
                        She got up carefully.
                        She got up frantically.
                        She got up calmly.
                        She got up reluctantly.
  1. Write a Preposition Poem.  Each line of the poem must begin with a preposition.  The poem should have a title (what the poem is about) and at least 15 lines.
  1. To remember the coordinating conjunctions, just remember the word FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).  Write two different sentences for each of the coordination conjunctions. 
  1. Write a short dialogue between two people.  Have each person use at least five interjections in the dialogue.  Remember to punctuate the dialogue appropriately.  (Use your Writer’s Choice book if you need help with this).


  • Choose one idea for each part of speech.
  • Each project should be completed on a separate piece of paper so that you have at least 9 pages (counting the title page) when you are finished. 
  • Create a title page.  Include your name on it.
  • Title each page with the part of speech written in large, clear letters.
  • Illustrate one other page of your choice.

  • You may complete any one other assignment for a part of speech.
  • You may illustrate any one other parts of speech other than the ones required.

            Your grade will be based on several factors:

  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Neatness
  • Spelling, grammar, and mechanics
  • Correctness
  • Ability to follow directions
  • If any part of this assignment is plagiarized, the entire project will receive a zero



Halloween Activities and Worksheets

As Halloween approaches… 

Why not use this opportunity to incorporate some ghostly language and tasks into your lessons? We have put together a variety of activities that can be used at various levels and with different age groups, including: 

*Scary Collocations 
*Ghoulish Word Forms 
*Frightful Idioms Shadowy 
*Web Quest 
*Write your own Ghost Story!

Food Translations (UK-US)

Food Translations (UK-US)

15 Grammar Mistakes That Make You Look Silly [Infographic]

15 Grammar Mistakes That Make You Look Silly [Infographic]

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger.

Parts of Speech (video)

Learn the eight parts of speech: 

1) Noun, 2) Verb, 3) Pronoun, 4) Adjective, 5) Adverb, 6) Conjunction, 7) Preposition, and 8) Interjection. 


Dotard: a person in his or her dotage

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Dotard‬‏

Dotage:the period of old age : the time when a person is old and often less able to remember or do things

Ex. The gentleman next door had been vilified by Nicholas; rudely stigmatised as a dotard and an idiot; and for these attacks upon his understanding, Mrs Nickleby was, in some sort, accountable.

(خَرِف)الكبير فى السن اللذى وصل الى حد التخريف

The Everything Kids' Learning Activities Book

The Everything Kids' Learning Activities Book

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪The Everything Kids' Learning Activities Book‬‏

Who says learning can't be fun? Using the word "educational" can be the quickest way to lose a child's interest. But the games, projects, and experiments in The Everything Kids' Learning Activities Book are so much fun, your kids won't even know they're learning! Not only will your kids be entertained and have fun, they'll learn skills in the key areas of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. 

With 145 indoor and outdoor activities including: 
Comic strip sequencing 
Round robin storytelling 
Lollipop patterns 
The 25-cent pyramid Cookie fractions 
Balloon terrarium 

These activities are geared for kids aged 5–12, making this a go-to resource for years to come. And most activities use materials that are in your house! This easy-to-use guide is full of creative ideas and expert advice to help you be your kids' best learning partner.


HOW TO: Problem-Solving on Your Feet

HOW TO: Problem-Solving on Your Feet

     As teachers, we know possibly better than anyone else that when things go wrong, they can really go wrong. 

      Being able to solve problems on your feet is one of the most valuable skills a teacher can have. There are so many variables as to what can go awry in a classroom that generally luck would have it, many things tend to go wrong at the same time. Face problems head on with these tips, and you will be able to handle the worst of classroom disasters!

HOW TO: Problem-Solving on Your Feet

Action Verbs ( 16 Flash Cards )

Action Verbs ( 16 Flash Cards )

Stative Verbs List

Stative Verbs List 

Some verbs are only (or mostly) used in simple tenses, and are not used in continuous tenses. An example of a simple tense is the present simple, or the past simple. An example of a continuous tense is the present continuous or past continuous. These verbs are called stative, or state verbs. A verb which isn’t stative is called a dynamic verb, and is usually an action. Often stative verbs are about liking or disliking something, or about a mental state, not about an action.

source : www.perfect-english-grammar.com

10 Week-by-Week Sight Word Packets

10 Week-by-Week Sight Word Packets

This book is an Easy System for Teaching 100 Important Sight Words to Set the Stage for Reading Success


Family is an activity which aims  :

1-To practice listening to description of the family 
2-To introduce new languages for members of the family



It is a great job, indeed. And adult ESL students rarely have classroom management issues like throwing spit wads and shoving each other—they do, however, make and receive cell phone calls during class and update their Facebook profiles. ESL students, like students in general, come to the classroom for a variety of reasons, intrinsic love of learning is probably not primary among them in most cases. This is complicated by divergent notions of what is appropriate classroom behavior — not only from what students were taught in their past education experiences but also from instructor to instructor on the same campus. One instructor may not be bothered by the student text-messaging under the desk — or at least, not say so — while another may come unhinged. So how does the teacher manage the classroom under such circumstances?

7 Types of English Adjectives That Every Student Must Know

Because grammar is very important here are 7 Types of English Adjectives That Every Student Must Know

HOW TO Deal with Indiscipline in the Classroom ?

HOW TO Deal with Indiscipline in the Classroom ?

Sometimes it is with the first class. Other times a teacher gets a few good years under his or her belt before it hits. Sometimes it seems like it happens in class after class. The problem that all too often rears its ugly head is lack of discipline. Every teacher experiences it, and no teacher likes it. The good news is that there are ways to handle indiscipline in the classroom. Here are some classroom management tips to try with your students.


Do your best to keep your cool when your students start getting out of control. Tomorrow will be a new day with limitless potential and it may just be the right day to get off to a new start!

7 SAT Essay Tips

7 SAT Essay Tips

Manage Your Classroom Like a Pro.

Manage Your Classroom Like a Pro. 

34 Pages. Top 25 classroom management secrets. Contents: are you boring your students, top 10 tips to deal with students, when things go awry, when things go wrong, how to correct mistakes, how to provide feedback.

Think positively!

Think positively!

Basic Adjectives (24 Cards)

5000 Sat Words : Big Book of SAT Words Free

300 Fantastic 5 Minute Activities

300 Fantastic 5 Minute Activities that will transform the way you teach.300 hundred short games and activities that will put a smile on the students' faces. 

Massive 8.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico

A magnitude 8.4 earthquake has struck off the coast of Mexico leaving at least five dead, mass evacuations and warnings of tsunamis across the region.


1-magnitude  ضخم
Meaning :great size or extent
Example :the magnitude of an earthquake

2-earthquake : زَلْزال
Meaning :( noun ): a sudden violent movement of the earth
Example : TOKYO — In earthquake-prone Japan, people have grown accustomed to seeing regular alerts on television and their cellphones advising them to seek cover or move inland in advance of a tsunami.
3-strike : يضرب
Meaning ( verb ): beat
Example : The car struck the tree.

Meaning ( noun ): sea-shore and land near it  ساحِل ؛ شاطِئ
Example : Since the collapse of Moammar Gaddafi's regime in Libya, the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean has soared, as people have taken advantage of a vacuum of authority to set sail from the country's northern coast.

5-evacuations : عمليات الإخلاء
Meaning : evacuation ( noun ): removing someone or something to a safer place
Example : All of these densely populated areas are near the water, so they’re in an evacuation area anyway.

6-warning :تَحْذِير
Meaning : ( adjective ; noun ): a hint or indication of difficulty
Example :She gave me a warning about the difficulties of the job.

7-tsunami : تسونامي
Meaning a great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption
Example : When phone networks crashed during the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011, many people turned to Twitter, Facebook, Skype, and Mixi, a social-networking website in the country.

8-collapse : إنْهِيار
Meaning collapse ( noun ): falling down or in of a structure or physical or mental breakdown 
Example : The chair he was sitting in collapsed.

9-threat : خطر ؛ تَهْدِيد ؛ وَعِيد
Meaning threat ( noun ): a declaration of an intention to punish or hurt. 
Example :She ignored their threats and continued to do what she felt was right.

10-ceilings : الأسقف
Meaning : the overhead inside lining of a room
Example :The house has low ceilings.

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