Making suggestions

Making suggestions 

-- Shall we...? 

-- Why don't we...? 

-- How/What about...? 

-- We can/could... 

-- Let's... 

Shall we visit Joe tonight? 
Why don't we meet tomorrow? 
How about doing some shopping? 
Let's go to a restaurant.

Astonishing : مذهل، مدهش، رائع، مثير للدهشة

Astonishing : مذهل، مدهش، رائع، مثير للدهشة



Leo Messi's qualities are astonishing.

Some astonishing prehistoric remains were discovered here some years ago.

Provoke, Invoke, Evoke, and Revoke

Provoke, Invoke, Evoke, and  Revoke 

Provoke = استفزاز، أثارغضب شخص ما 

Invoke = ناشد، توسل 

Evoke =استدعاء، تذكر 

Revoke = حذف، إالغاء

Synonyms (basic word - more formal word)

Synonyms (basic word - more formal word)
Ask - Inquire 

Boring - Insipid 

Delicious - Delectable 

Extra - Superfluous 

Greedy - Avaricious 

Happy - Jubilant 

Poor - Destitute 

Productive- Fruitful 

Shine - Glimmer 

Tired - Fatigue

despotism n. (tyranny, dictatorship) استبداد، جور، طغيان

despotism n.  (tyranny, dictatorship) 
استبداد، جور، طغيان

The worst of all despotisms is the heartless tyranny of ideas.

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