Business and Busyness

Business and Busyness 

*Business [BIZ-nis] = profession, trade; company = مهنه, شركه
        El-Sayed is in business as a shoemaker.

*Busyness [BIZ-ee-nis] = state of being busy = حالة الانشغال
Busyness is the norm at El-Sayed’s successful business.


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— Sleep in
to oversleep; to sleep late in the morning
I'm so tired; I think I'll sleep intomorrow.
If you sleep in again, you'll get fired.

— Sleepover stay for the night at somebody's home. (usually for children)
Emily couldn't ask her friend for a sleepover until she cleaned her room.

— Sleep on something (idiom)
delay making a decision about something until the next day so that you have time to think about it.
I must sleep on this problem. I'll let you know what I think about it tomorrow.

Pass Out

Pass Out : 
                 faint,lost consciousness 

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